Its Location in Mount of padang, in the cross Estuary of Batang Arau, padang. Named By Garden of Siti Nurbaya because that mountainside there are a heap of stone which is considered as grave Siti Nurbaya with his lovely SyamsulBahri. From here can be witnessed the beauty of Padang town.
A calm bay, 20 Km of Field south with the beautiful nature view and clean coast. Good to recreation go out to sea like swimming, fishing, or just enjoying view with moment of fisherman boat go to sea on evening. From Coast of Bungus or Port of Field Estuary can be rented by a boat motorize to go to the island closest like Sikuai Resort, Sirandah,and pagang.
Consist 4 big island that is Siberut, Sipora, Pagai of North and Pagai of South arch. unique and original Cultural still be met by this area, especially in hinterland, where its society is simple above the ground. In island Siberut there are preserve, a place where live various rareness animal which do not find in world other. cretinous ape and endemic monkey Laugh. something else making us wish to come to this place is Wave challenging for the sport of surfing.
This fortress is located about 1 KM from downtown. Builded to be culminated by a hill in Bukittinggi year 1825, when happened the people resistance led by Tuanku Imam bonjol and Harimau nan Salapan. At the time of this colonization of Belanda, this fortress is used for the defender of Dutch, after independence of indonesia, this place as objeck wisata. At this time the encient cannon still be looked of at about fortress.
Located in side of town Bukittinggi, along15 Km. Sianok canyon is the fertile dale and become green with the precipice have height between 100-150 m. in the deep emit a stream of the twist and turns river. If we stand up above the ngarai, so we will be pampered with the very beautiful experienced view and cold air.
the cave of Kamang represent the of beautiful stalagtit and stalagmite, located in Subdistrict of Tilatang Kamang, Immeasurable Regency, 14 Km from Town Bukittinggi. Ngalau reside in the a hill calcify longly about 1.500 metre.
Is a dale between mountain with the heavy tropical forest, located in frontier among Regency of Pariaman with the Padang Panjang, in the middle of journey among Padang panjang by Bukittinggi. Area in around representing preserve with the very impressive heavy forest. Under emit of a stream of the Dale Anai with transparent and stillness a water. The other side there are waterfall as high as 40 metre, golf course and Lembah Anai resort.
The preserve of panti's jungle also represent the maiden forest, where life a various wild animal like tiger ( this Sumatra tiger type is term by tiger panti), leopard, tapir, deer, goat of forest, various monkey, birds and other between. This area also there are cauldron with the magma boil causing water around it always be hot.
Aparting 15 km from Payakumbuh, in the form of a dale encircled by the steep stone with the height 100 - 150 metre. Besides waterfall ( named by sarasah) with the beautiful lake, this area is the preserve where life a various wild animal like tiger, forest pig, mountain goat, tapir, ape and also various type of bird which still be free explore its nature.
In the form of cave in mountainside. this Cave entrance reside in the near by roadway Bukittinggi-Payakumbuh. Near by this entrance there are a stone loo like the elephant. In a cave have crown thousands of bat which almost be unseen if /when we reside in there. Their existence is only heard from chirp voice and when there is a flown pass above our head. Air is in, it felt wet and cool to give the freshness after castigated by heat in exterior.
Uncompletely if visit to Bukittinggi but do not Stop to Big Clock. The Word well founded. The clock upstanding in town heart is small a landmark town in Sumatra West which have become the Governmental town mother Emergency of Republic Of Indonesia at 1948-1949.
A lot do not know the, building of made in 1926 eating expense about that 3.000 gulden its have a relation is with the Tower of Big Ben, London, English. Its Section, flossy manual clock machine is above building of result of indigenous masterpiece putra, Yazid And that Sutan Gigi Ameh, is made special by Recklinghausen which also make the Big Ben. that Germany Man it is true make only two machine
During standing Colossal clocktower roof have thrice metamorphosing. In era of Dutch colonization, that roof is globular with its above, the cock idol. Then its roof change like kelenteng, when Japan occupy the Indonesia. A then Indonesia proclamate his indepence independence proclamation, the cilossal clock roof is charged by colossal house. That Domain Minang Nuance hold out up to now.
Under This Is Map Of West Sumatra Hopefully Can Assist You

The Map Of Bukittinggi