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Senin, 08 Desember 2008

Big Clock

Bukittinggi represent the Town Wisata owning immeasurable of place wisata. Therefore very lossy likely you come to bukittinggi but do not visit the Big Clock. Big Clock located in heart of town bukittinggi, you which wish to come to this place needn't be confused for the appliance of transportation because common Angkot a lot this through place. Around our colossal clock also can meet the other playground so that vacation you'd more interesting again.

Clock upstanding that town heart is true small landmark town in West Sumatra which have become the Governmental town mother of Emergency Republic Of Indonesia at 1948-1949 that.

A lot do not know the, building of made in 1926 eating expense of about that 3.000 guilder is you is with the Tower of Big Ben, London, English. Its Section, flossy manual clock machine is above building result of indigenous masterpiece putra, Yazid And that Sutan Gigi Ameh is made special of Recklinghausen which also make the Big Ben. that Germany Man is true make only two machine.

During standing Big clocktower roof have thrice metamorphosing. In era of Dutch colonization, that roof is globular with the its above cock idol. Later;Then its roof change like kelenteng of when Japan occupy the Indonesia. So Indonesia of independence proclamation, changed bythe Big clock roof of Big House. that Domain Minang Nuance hold out up to now

Senin, 01 Desember 2008

View Object Singgalang Mountain

View Object Singgalang Mountain

This mount almost loo like with the Mount Merbabu in Central Java, mount singgalang residing in this West Sumatra province represent the mount culminating massif. This mount can be mounted from some place: Pakan Sinayan, Koto Tuo, Balingka and pandai sikek. This Mount have lake its top representing cauldron secondhand, That lake is named by a TELAGA DEWI. Singgalang have inactive again and its forest is very damp because water content which is a lot of.

As does mount gede in West Java, each;every crowded week singgalang night always visited by climber. Others if strarting climb pass the countryside of pandai sikek, we also can enjoy the cultural wisata. Because this desas is noted for weave its songket.
Climb Route

Generally all climber start the climb from Clever countryside Comb. From Field town, this countryside can be reached gone uply bus of target Bukittinggi, and descend in koto Baru. And then continued by joining with others angkot to countryside the pandai sikek. Angkot desist until countryside of pandai sikek. You negotiation better with the driver angkot to squire the you to transmitter of relay TVRI where climb dot started. However you also have to ready for walking from Koto Baru to transmitter TV walkedly. Because hard sometimes very to find transportation.

Around transmitter TVRI, there are a small canteen however only open at just week night, which moment of climber a lot of visiting this mount. From here climb started by going through is resident farm. After this going through is we will trap the forest, its footpath circumstance with the inclination vary which. Progressively we enter into its forest will is progressively felt damp and a few dark, because because of its meeting is grove. After rather old walk we will find the wellspring source to run dry the dry season.
After melewati of area of cadas and forest area walk the muddy tread, finally will be seen by transmitter TVRI, there are a small canteen however only open at just week night, which moment of climber a lot of visiting this mount. From here climb started by going through is resident farm. After this going through we will trap the forest, its footpath circumstance with the inclination vary which. Progressively we enter into its forest will is progressively felt damp and a few dark, because of its meeting grove. After rather old walk we will find the wellspring source to run dry the dry season.
After going through area of cadas and forest area walk the muddy tread, finally will be seen by a very view make surprise, that is calm Goddess lake and its water of a few. This lake located is height 2800m from sea level.

Senin, 24 November 2008

The Object Wisata Of Mount Have Fire

The Object Wisata Of Mount Have Fire

Mount have fire with the height 2.891 m from sea level. This mount is border on located of mount Singgalang, what’s only dissociated by a connective roadway of High Hill town with the Long Field town. As does mount Sibayak in North Sumatra and mount Gede in West Java, mount Marapi also crowded always mounted by all climber of West Sumatra in every week night. starting points this Climb is from which located countryside of Koto Baru roadside between High Hill and Long Field

Mount Marapi represent one of active volcano for the area of Sumatra. For resident of West Sumatra this mount Marapi have the separate historical value cultural. Which look like with the area of starting points of mountaineering Singgalang, this hill side Marapi area is have a lot of opened by local resident so that not many difficulty. And also its resident also of equal friendly. This top of the mountain there are some big and small cauldron fruit, big cauldron represent the merger of two cauldron which at first apart become one because super eruption on a years ago. This top of the mountain is recognized by the name of Pigeon top, from this top we free look into the all instruct one of them is that is green Immeasurable plain view chocolate. culminate this very narrow;tight and beside in representing cauldron while external side of steep creavasse

Climb Route

Climb started from New countryside Koto, from this last countryside,first the climber will through open area, with the cold air and next we will through a station of relay TV and non-stoped climb will meet mount and reach the area named by Persenggrahan. This Place which always multitude of people to sel several thing at Saturday night when much of climber is come to climb. the inclination of this mount is not precipitous and it’s make so more pleasure to climb then if we walk through a sheer road at mount Singgalang. a footstep clearly is more and easy to follow it and the forest isn’t too close.after through the forest area we return to the area it’s rather open with the ordinary plant which there is in height area. low Type plant, inclusive of alpine vegetasi sub. From our area we will arrive to the area consisted of the sand and gravel. This is a open area and the condition is same with the condition in mount of Slamet at Jawa Tengah.enteredthe top area we will meet the blackish wide plain area fulfilled by hole which it’s like a crater which dead teah. from here transportation;journey non-stoped diametrical and mount up at Natty top of the mountain that is top recognized by the name of Pigeon top.

Minggu, 16 November 2008

The Palace of Pagaruyung

Visiting Your Palace Pagaruyung will be invited to trace the footstep’s history of society Minang. In this palace is visible of fossil object. And from there You can learn their history, from politics until culture

Palace Pagaruyung development of building by family of empire Pagaruyung in Batusangkar having individuality Minangkabau

In palace of there are goods of empire ommission which still be looked after . Around this palace is we can enjoy the natural beauty with the cold air

Located In Subdistrict of Gold Foreland, Town Batusangkar, Plain Regency, Pagaruyung is residential location of King Minangkabau as governance center at 14 century In some place of this area there are ancient inscription like stone batikan Five Clan. At this stone there are ex- hole incur to stab as sign swear two people of leader of custom and tribe to each other to honor of custom and the tribe of each and adjacent life in harmony

Palace Pagaruyung, place of Prince Adityawarman have throne, in form of Colossal House with the traditional architecture of Minangkabau. This Palace represent the replica from its genuiness palace is annihilate burned. It’s development was done at 1976 above a piece of land which communal ownership by clan of family of empire Pagaruyung

At its external wall is fulfilled by the typical woodcarving of Domain Minang and its roof boost in form of buffalo horn. The part of Wall it’s from other side and made back from this husk bamboo.the attend palace represent to exist from desire of society Minangkabau that in their area have stood a empire. Its situation only 5 km from downtown Batusangkar and 50 km from Bukittinggi. Its Location keep handy the than town in West Sumatra

Senin, 10 November 2008



Termite Dale is name from one of object of wisata waterfall which there are in West Sumatra. this object Wisata present the waterfall view emiting a stream of the from the top of hill. this Waterfall location is very easy reached from padang town or from bukittinggi town, because this waterfall located in roadside between padang by bukittingi. Waterfall earn the us enjoy without having to pay for the incoming ticket and other expense. This place do not only present the beauty of just waterfall, but still a lot of matter making this place is felt to by respect. Around this place is we can enjoy the beauty of hilly forest is which in it there are clear river and decorated by big stones is ex- explosion of mount have fire of millions of year ago. If we wish to feel as cold as waterfall ini,kita can bathe or take a bath in place pool fall the this waterfall nya. but if us do not wish the bath, we can relax at the same time enjoy the food and feel the fresh air in place which have been made available in this waterfall location. for child - child which ingi mandi,disini have also been provided by a special pool for the child of child take a bath and play at. If us have satisfied to enjoy the this object wisata, we can come home by bringing prize, because around object wisata of there are place selling present. The above is true picture from place of wisata of termite dale, of course the beauty of this will be felt by if direct us visit this place.



Termite Dale is name from one of object of wisata waterfall which there are in West Sumatra. this object Wisata present the waterfall view emiting a stream of the from the top of hill. this Waterfall location is very easy reached from padang town or from bukittinggi town, because this waterfall located in roadside between padang by bukittingi. Waterfall earn the us enjoy without having to pay for the incoming ticket and other expense. This place do not only present the beauty of just waterfall, but still a lot of matter making this place is felt to by respect. Around this place is we can enjoy the beauty of hilly forest is which in it there are clear river and decorated by big stones is ex- explosion of mount have fire of millions of year ago. If we wish to feel as cold as waterfall ini,kita can bathe or take a bath in place pool fall the this waterfall nya. but if us do not wish the bath, we can relax at the same time enjoy the food and feel the fresh air in place which have been made available in this waterfall location. for child - child which ingi mandi,disini have also been provided by a special pool for the child of child take a bath and play at. If us have satisfied to enjoy the this object wisata, we can come home by bringing prize, because around object wisata of there are place selling present. The above is true picture from place of wisata of termite dale, of course the beauty of this will be felt by if direct us visit this place.

Senin, 03 November 2008



This Story narrate penalization the accepted by the insubordinate child to the mother.

Its Story Core shall be as follows:

Yore in countryside of Air manis which not far from Padang town, there a mother with a its boy is so called Malin Kundang live in a state of impecunious . Every day mother of malin kundang work as cake seller ashore Air Manis, malin kundang which still small have to assist the mother trading.. year after year elapse also to the last his Malin kundang grow to become the adult.

After adult, Malin Kundang go to go abroad to people country for the fox of hidupnya. so much long standing go abroad., Malin Kundang succeed to become a merchant which rich and take as wife a cutie coming from clan of people rich .and afterwards, Malin Kundang and its wife sail to go trade, at the middle of ship sea boarded the malin kundang and its wife running out of fuel, so they go to island closest. After long standing, they see island closest, finally they find the island and malin kundang set mind on belabuh in the island. and people the island greet the arrival of Malin Kundang which they know as the the cake seller ashore when malin kundang still minimize the. People even also call the old ibunya that its child in port. malin kundang immediately leave to meet its child. But, when meeting non part which she get but abuse and paling from the Malin Kundang. Malin Kundang which have that rich feel small to others, especially to its wife that he come from pauper circle. In consequence she [do] not confess that that old woman its mother. He spit its Own mother, and dissipate from kapalnya. the mother which feel sorrowful with the its child deportment and surely until not confess she is as mother, finally the mother pray to God to give the penalization at its child. God grant the do'anya. At once weather in area turn into dark and billow punch the the king sized sailing boat and dash down to coastal periphery.
The Malin Kundang which feel guilty finally request the pardon at mother. But altogether have been lost time when penalization from the infinite have come. Finally Malin Kundang cursed to become the stone.
Hitherto, you can witness the stones in form of ship ashore sweet Water ( Sumatra West).

Senin, 27 Oktober 2008

Sianok Canyon

Sianok Canyon

Sianok Canyon represent one of famous object wisata in bukittinggi that are known at international. Sianok canyon is a hilly Canyon which in it emit a stream of a river. In this canyon also there are devious road, this road represent to access road of between Bukittinggi town by sianok canyon. We can enjoy this object wisata by coming into panorama garden by buying incoming ticket ± Rp5000. after entering hence will be seen by all shares of ngarai sianok of like at above photo. If you hanker to descend into your canyon can descend by downstair a thousand, referred as by doorstep of a thousand because its doorstep child amount as much a thousand doorstep child. If you have satisfied with the view of sianok canyon, you also can enjoy the japan cave or ordinary in mentioning japan Hole which is there are in garden of panorama of sianok canyon. This cave is named cave japan / japan hol because made by worker ROMUSA epoch of japan colonization in Bukitting. The cave Japan of this time have been made by as object wisata we which can enjoy if paying a visit to garden of panorama of sianok canyon. In cave have been attached by flashlight, become the us needn't worry and fear to enter it. If we enter to here,we will find the room made to be depository the arm, military resort of japan and others. In this cave also there are kitchen ROMUSA and serve a sentence for ROMUSA. This Munkin is some of beauty which is there are in sianok canyon, if you want to know more amount of Bukittinggi, please come to Bukittinggi.

Senin, 20 Oktober 2008


Can you play the guitar?

No, I can’t

Guitar is sediment a music device

That often using by a singer according.

Guitar have two genre are namely acoustic

Guitar and electric guitar

Make The Ranah Minang As Target Wisata

Make The Ranah Minang As Target Wisata

Indonesia is the archipelago country, because of that immeasurable of object wisata there are in it. Ranah Minang ( West sumatra) is one of the province that presenting immeasurable of object wisata. hence it is not a new surprise foreign tourist if often visit this place, but society often worry with the arrival of foreign tourist to this area, it is all because of their fear will destroy the moral and culture of society minang which still very having an effect with the custom and its culture. But that fear is not have occasion. Mutilation influence from telecast more having an effect. The tourists not in to the resident area. With the time only few days, focus their visit is more to the nature object wisata, wisata of fossil and wisata of show of artistry and culture.

Might not require to be conversed in detail what must be done to prepare the ranah Minang become the international area wisata, because altogether already have guidance or the ' teori', a lot of textbook about it, a lot of consultant that capable to give the instruction.

What wish submitted in this short suggestion is how its promotion to be world recognize and interested to visit the Ranah Minang. We often see the advertisement wisata in CNN look like ' Truly Malaysia , and so do advertisements intensively other;dissimilar hitting Thailand, Egypt and others.

Considering so broadness of indonesia, hence advertisement ' visit Indonesia' it to be very common. In consequence do not less important also peculiarly to campaign the ' Minang Beautiful' or ' Minang Wow' or ' lovely Minang' or the other dissimilar slogan of attention. Creating an unique image ' Minang' as like as ' Bali'.

This Promotion is done internationally media goodness print and electronic as like as CNN, BBC, CNBC and others which its coverage wide. Recognition ' Minang' may identik with the Indonesia recognition, but when this very wide Indonesia, experiencing of trouble in one area, hence ' Minang' will not follow affected big. Tourist only wish the certainty that ' Minang' peaceful still competent visit.

Malaysia, with the quickly time able to rake in millions of turis with the campaign ' Truly Asia' . honce so do Minang with the campaign " Lovely Minang' or ' Beautiful Minang' .

Of course it is to be noted that Ranah Minang at one blow also correct the this self with all peripheral, good [of] human being, security, system and facility, that capable to accept the foreign turis which international with quality.

Senin, 13 Oktober 2008

View Of Lake Maninjau

Lake of Maninjau represent one the object of wisata very beautiful in west sumatera. This lake located in countryside of maninjau do not far from town of bukittinggi, we can go there by using vehicle of person and also vehicle of public, to reach lake located of maninjau, we have to go through journey about 40 km of downtown of bukittinggi. In journey before to lake of maninjau we can enjoy view of curve 44, this curve represent devious road and mount counted 44 times. In this roadside is we will meet wild animal like monkey which have tame and can in feeding by visitor which passing this road. after reaching lake of maninjau we earn to do kinds of - kinds of activity to relax or rest the, the activity like fishing for us which is hobby in fishing, circling lake with boat, or simply siting in lake periphery at the same time enjoy view around lake of maninjau. For us which like sport all floating, here we also can do him, because around lake there are hill - this sport place hill is done conducted. Usually in - certain month of us also can witness contesting all floating. To visitor taking a fancy to artistry, here we can witness artistry of minang which is often met by around lake of maninjau, like saucer dance and others. If us wish to lodge, here many there are lodging around lake of maninjau.

Hereunder lake photo of maninjau, of this photo we can see what a beautiful is lake of maninjau to be made by place of wisata at the time of vacation.

View Of Lake Maninjau

Lake of Maninjau represent one the object of wisata very beautiful in west sumatera. This lake located in countryside of maninjau do not far from town of bukittinggi, we can go there by using vehicle of person and also vehicle of public, to reach lake located of maninjau, we have to go through journey about 40 km of downtown of bukittinggi. In journey before to lake of maninjau we can enjoy view of curve 44, this curve represent devious road and mount counted 44 times. In this roadside is we will meet wild animal like monkey which have tame and can in feeding by visitor which passing this road. after reaching lake of maninjau we earn to do kinds of - kinds of activity to relax or rest the, the activity like fishing for us which is hobby in fishing, circling lake with boat, or simply siting in lake periphery at the same time enjoy view around lake of maninjau. For us which like sport all floating, here we also can do him, because around lake there are hill - this sport place hill is done conducted. Usually in - certain month of us also can witness contesting all floating. To visitor taking a fancy to artistry, here we can witness artistry of minang which is often met by around lake of maninjau, like saucer dance and others. If us wish to lodge, here many there are lodging around lake of maninjau.

Hereunder [is] lake photo of maninjau, of this photo [is] we can see what a beautiful is/are lake of maninjau to be made by place of wisata at the time of vacation.

Minggu, 04 Mei 2008

The Place Of Recreation In West Sumatra

  • Garden of Siti Nurbaya

Its Location in Mount of padang, in the cross Estuary of Batang Arau, padang. Named By Garden of Siti Nurbaya because that mountainside there are a heap of stone which is considered as grave Siti Nurbaya with his lovely SyamsulBahri. From here can be witnessed the beauty of Padang town.

  • Coast Bungus

A calm bay, 20 Km of Field south with the beautiful nature view and clean coast. Good to recreation go out to sea like swimming, fishing, or just enjoying view with moment of fisherman boat go to sea on evening. From Coast of Bungus or Port of Field Estuary can be rented by a boat motorize to go to the island closest like Sikuai Resort, Sirandah,and pagang.

  • Archipelago Of Mentawai

Consist 4 big island that is Siberut, Sipora, Pagai of North and Pagai of South arch. unique and original Cultural still be met by this area, especially in hinterland, where its society is simple above the ground. In island Siberut there are preserve, a place where live various rareness animal which do not find in world other. cretinous ape and endemic monkey Laugh. something else making us wish to come to this place is Wave challenging for the sport of surfing.

  • Fortress Of Fort De Kock

This fortress is located about 1 KM from downtown. Builded to be culminated by a hill in Bukittinggi year 1825, when happened the people resistance led by Tuanku Imam bonjol and Harimau nan Salapan. At the time of this colonization of Belanda, this fortress is used for the defender of Dutch, after independence of indonesia, this place as objeck wisata. At this time the encient cannon still be looked of at about fortress.

  • Sianok Canyon

Located in side of town Bukittinggi, along15 Km. Sianok canyon is the fertile dale and become green with the precipice have height between 100-150 m. in the deep emit a stream of the twist and turns river. If we stand up above the ngarai, so we will be pampered with the very beautiful experienced view and cold air.

  • Cave Of Kamang

the cave of Kamang represent the of beautiful stalagtit and stalagmite, located in Subdistrict of Tilatang Kamang, Immeasurable Regency, 14 Km from Town Bukittinggi. Ngalau reside in the a hill calcify longly about 1.500 metre.

  • Dale of Anai

Is a dale between mountain with the heavy tropical forest, located in frontier among Regency of Pariaman with the Padang Panjang, in the middle of journey among Padang panjang by Bukittinggi. Area in around representing preserve with the very impressive heavy forest. Under emit of a stream of the Dale Anai with transparent and stillness a water. The other side there are waterfall as high as 40 metre, golf course and Lembah Anai resort.

  • The jungle of Panti

The preserve of panti's jungle also represent the maiden forest, where life a various wild animal like tiger ( this Sumatra tiger type is term by tiger panti), leopard, tapir, deer, goat of forest, various monkey, birds and other between. This area also there are cauldron with the magma boil causing water around it always be hot.

  • Dale Harau

Aparting 15 km from Payakumbuh, in the form of a dale encircled by the steep stone with the height 100 - 150 metre. Besides waterfall ( named by sarasah) with the beautiful lake, this area is the preserve where life a various wild animal like tiger, forest pig, mountain goat, tapir, ape and also various type of bird which still be free explore its nature.

  • Beautiful Cave

In the form of cave in mountainside. this Cave entrance reside in the near by roadway Bukittinggi-Payakumbuh. Near by this entrance there are a stone loo like the elephant. In a cave have crown thousands of bat which almost be unseen if /when we reside in there. Their existence is only heard from chirp voice and when there is a flown pass above our head. Air is in, it felt wet and cool to give the freshness after castigated by heat in exterior.

  • Big Clock

Uncompletely if visit to Bukittinggi but do not Stop to Big Clock. The Word well founded. The clock upstanding in town heart is small a landmark town in Sumatra West which have become the Governmental town mother Emergency of Republic Of Indonesia at 1948-1949.

A lot do not know the, building of made in 1926 eating expense about that 3.000 gulden its have a relation is with the Tower of Big Ben, London, English. Its Section, flossy manual clock machine is above building of result of indigenous masterpiece putra, Yazid And that Sutan Gigi Ameh, is made special by Recklinghausen which also make the Big Ben. that Germany Man it is true make only two machine

During standing Colossal clocktower roof have thrice metamorphosing. In era of Dutch colonization, that roof is globular with its above, the cock idol. Then its roof change like kelenteng, when Japan occupy the Indonesia. A then Indonesia proclamate his indepence independence proclamation, the cilossal clock roof is charged by colossal house. That Domain Minang Nuance hold out up to now.

Under This Is Map Of West Sumatra Hopefully Can Assist You

The Map Of Bukittinggi


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