Make The Ranah Minang As Target Wisata

Indonesia is the archipelago country, because of that immeasurable of object wisata there are in it. Ranah Minang ( West sumatra) is one of the province that presenting immeasurable of object wisata. hence it is not a new surprise foreign tourist if often visit this place, but society often worry with the arrival of foreign tourist to this area, it is all because of their fear will destroy the moral and culture of society minang which still very having an effect with the custom and its culture. But that fear is not have occasion. Mutilation influence from telecast more having an effect. The tourists not in to the resident area. With the time only few days, focus their visit is more to the nature object wisata, wisata of fossil and wisata of show of artistry and culture.
Might not require to be conversed in detail what must be done to prepare the ranah Minang become the international area wisata, because altogether already have guidance or the ' teori', a lot of textbook about it, a lot of consultant that capable to give the instruction.
What wish submitted in this short suggestion is how its promotion to be world recognize and interested to visit the Ranah Minang. We often see the advertisement wisata in CNN look like ' Truly Malaysia , and so do advertisements intensively other;dissimilar hitting Thailand, Egypt and others.
Considering so broadness of indonesia, hence advertisement ' visit Indonesia' it to be very common. In consequence do not less important also peculiarly to campaign the ' Minang Beautiful' or ' Minang Wow' or ' lovely Minang' or the other dissimilar slogan of attention. Creating an unique image ' Minang' as like as ' Bali'.
This Promotion is done internationally media goodness print and electronic as like as CNN, BBC, CNBC and others which its coverage wide. Recognition ' Minang' may identik with the Indonesia recognition, but when this very wide Indonesia, experiencing of trouble in one area, hence ' Minang' will not follow affected big. Tourist only wish the certainty that ' Minang' peaceful still competent visit.
Malaysia, with the quickly time able to rake in millions of turis with the campaign ' Truly Asia' . honce so do Minang with the campaign " Lovely Minang' or ' Beautiful Minang' .
Of course it is to be noted that Ranah Minang at one blow also correct the this self with all peripheral, good [of] human being, security, system and facility, that capable to accept the foreign turis which international with quality.
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