Sianok Canyon represent one of famous object wisata in bukittinggi that are known at international. Sianok canyon is a hilly Canyon which in it emit a stream of a river. In this canyon also there are devious road, this road represent to access road of between Bukittinggi town by sianok canyon. We can enjoy this object wisata by coming into panorama garden by buying incoming ticket ± Rp5000. after entering hence will be seen by all shares of ngarai sianok of like at above photo. If you hanker to descend into your canyon can descend by downstair a thousand, referred as by doorstep of a thousand because its doorstep child amount as much a thousand doorstep child. If you have satisfied with the view of sianok canyon, you also can enjoy the japan cave or ordinary in mentioning japan Hole which is there are in garden of panorama of sianok canyon. This cave is named cave japan / japan hol because made by worker ROMUSA epoch of japan colonization in Bukitting. The cave Japan of this time have been made by as object wisata we which can enjoy if paying a visit to garden of panorama of sianok canyon. In cave have been attached by flashlight, become the us needn't worry and fear to enter it. If we enter to here,we will find the room made to be depository the arm, military resort of japan and others. In this cave also there are kitchen ROMUSA and serve a sentence for ROMUSA. This Munkin is some of beauty which is there are in sianok canyon, if you want to know more amount of Bukittinggi, please come to Bukittinggi.
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